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The Regional Team

Regional Delivery Manager – Tracey Thompson


Tracey’s role is to oversee the ‘North’ region for the MND Association, working with regional staff and branch volunteers. Tracey reports direct into the Associations Board, and will work to deliver the Associations aims locally.

​Volunteering Development Co-ordinator – Sarah Milner


Sarah’s role is to provide support and guidance to branches, groups and volunteers. Sarah understands all about volunteering, having previously been a volunteer for five years herself for the MND Association! If you are thinking of volunteering in the South Lancs branch area , please contact Sarah by e-mail: or call 0345 3751859 / 07501682092


Campaigns Manager – Julie Compton


Julie’s role is to work with branches, groups and volunteers, to deliver campaigns locally to improve services for people with MND and their families. Julie works closely with Greg, our branch campaign contact, but if you are interested in campaigning, get in touch with JC as she’s known!

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Regional Fundraiser for the North West – Tom Quirk


Tom’s role is to work with all our groups and branches across Northern England to help them develop their own fundraising. Tom also provides advice and support for individuals who are looking to raise over £1,000 along with Groups and Associations and both local and regional companies. We know our branch fundraising team are really looking forward to working with Tom, by tapping into his experience and knowledge.


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